
Welcome to our Dating Blog, where we cover everything from online dating and relationship advice to sexual topics and exploration. We believe that dating should be a holistic experience that encompasses not just finding a partner, but also understanding and exploring your own sexuality and desires.

Are there TranSexual dating sites to meet transsexual women?

Are there TranSexual dating sites to meet transsexual women?

Are there TranSexual dating sites to meet transsexual women? In today's modern world, finding love and companionship has become easier than ever before, thanks to the internet. People from all over the world can now connect with each other on dating sites and apps. However, for transsexual individuals, finding a suitable partner can still be a challenge. Fortunately, there are now several dating ... [...]

Chubby Women: Why BBW Enchant Men?

Chubby Women: Why BBW Enchant Men?

With the recent rise of the body positivity movement, chubby women no longer feel the need to hide their bodies. So many young girls are now reclaiming the femininity and beauty of their curves and are doing so with immense pride and class. This is not too surprising as men have always liked BBW, an acronym for ‘big beautiful women’. But contrary to popular beliefs, this is not only because o ... [...]

How to meet bisexual women and men? The Bi Community

How to meet bisexual women and men? The Bi Community

Are you looking for cool ways to meet bisexual women and men? No problem, we'll help you with that! We know that it can sometimes be difficult to meet new bisexual acquaintances in our modern society.  Bisexuality and acceptance It is not always easy for bisexual women and men to meet and get to know other bisexual people. The reason for this is the fact that in today's enlightened but rese ... [...]

Sex with the ex  - Right or wrong?

Sex with the ex - Right or wrong?

Ex-partners ending up in bed is a common occurrence and the reasons for this can vary. There are already many scientific studies on this. Sometimes, after the initial emotions of the break-up have passed, the reasons for the decision to end the relationship become unclear and people may feel an emptiness and lack. This can lead to sex as a form of therapy to end the relationship definitively. It's ... [...]

Is there an app like Tinder but just for sex?

Is there an app like Tinder but just for sex?

Dating can be a re-energizing and joyous experience. The excitement of seeing a person for the first time, the thrill of the first kiss, and the enthusiasm of getting to know each other deeply, can all be thrilling. But let’s be honest, sometimes we would just like to skip all these steps and… get down to the business! Most men think that this is a feeling only shared by people of their gende ... [...]

How to spot fake dating profiles

How to spot fake dating profiles

You’ve been chatting for a few days with this person. Everything seemed fine at first, but now you’re starting to have doubts. You’ve heard of scam profiles whose only aim is to steal people’s money and you’re now wondering whether this is your case. So, how can you figure this out? No worries, we're coming to the rescue! Here is our list of tips to spot fake dating profiles. They only ... [...]

What is a sugar boy?

What is a sugar boy?

Sugar-baby relationships have now been around for decades! While some consider these types of connections scandalous and amoral, others see no harm in them and believe they are a good way for young women to make money in an easy and fun way. The truth is that despite running some risks, working as a sugar baby is just another job and as long as both parties involved are well aware of the rules and ... [...]

Why Do Men Like Thai Women

Why Do Men Like Thai Women

Thai women are known for their feminine features, long black hair, and wonderful smiles. But there is way more to them than mere physical appearance! Often hard-working, modest, and highly intelligent, it's not too surprising that so many men find them fascinating. But what are the main reasons why men like Thai women? Of course, you can never generalize when it comes to culture. Not all men like ... [...]

Our complete guide on how to pick up girls

Our complete guide on how to pick up girls

More and more people on Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok are now sharing content showing the latest techniques on how to approach girls. But while it may seem easy when you’re at home watching someone else doing it, once you’re outside in the real world on your own, it can be extremely intimidating. This is why we decided to create a guide on how to pick up girls and fight your fears! In this ... [...]

Why do men like women from Eastern Europe

Why do men like women from Eastern Europe

Every country tends to have its preference when it comes to dating. American girls love to hear a British or French accent, Southern European men find Scandinavian women incredibly attractive, and several Asian countries are now idealizing South Koreans, probably due to the rise of k-pop. But there are some areas in the world known by all cultures for their incredibly attractive people. One of the ... [...]

All You Need To Know About UK Sugar Babes and Daddies

All You Need To Know About UK Sugar Babes and Daddies

Similarly to the rest of the world, UK sugar babes and sugar daddies are becoming more and more popular in today’s society. These types of relationships are slowly getting normalized, even though there is still a lot of confusion surrounding the topics. This is why we decided to create a blog post to discuss the world of sugar babies and daddies and answer all the questions you might have. Suga ... [...]

Find A Dominatrix With These Nine Tips

Find A Dominatrix With These Nine Tips

If the Earth's beauty lies in its variety, then the world of sexual desire must be enchanting. All around the globe people have developed thousands of different fetishes and kinks. While some of these are quite unusual, others are incredibly common. One of these is the fantasy of being dominated by a dominatrix, also called femdom. Even though many men share this kink, only a few decide to take ac ... [...]

How To Fulfill Your Foot Fetish

How To Fulfill Your Foot Fetish

Foot fetishes are one of the most popular kinks! People who have this fetish are turned on by feet, ankles, and toes. According to sexologists, there are several reasons why people may find this particular part of the body sexually attractive. Feet are full of nerve endings, meaning that they are extremely sensitive. On top of this, feet are often considered ‘below’ people. So, a submissive pa ... [...]

Everything you need to know about ahegao

Everything you need to know about ahegao

Are you a fan of hentai? Then you probably already came across the term ahegao. If you already tried to look for an English translation but couldn’t find anything, it is not because you’re not good at searching but simply because there is no English synonym. So, what does ahegao mean? Without further ado, let’s get to the business! What is ahegao? Ahegao is a term referring to an exaggerat ... [...]

5 Reasons Why Younger Men Like Dating Older Women

5 Reasons Why Younger Men Like Dating Older Women

It’s not a mystery that women tend to be younger than men when it comes to romantic relationships. According to recent data, in the US, the number of couples in which the wife was two years or older than her husband was less than 15%. Despite this, many young men have fantasized about having a mature partner. Even though these relationships are still rare, nowadays, celebrities such as Tina Turn ... [...]

Our team of experienced writers and relationship experts is passionate about helping people navigate the complexities of dating and sexuality. From online dating tips to advice on communication and intimacy, we provide a wide range of articles designed to help you build healthy and fulfilling relationships.

We understand that sexuality can be a sensitive topic, which is why we approach it with care and sensitivity. Our dating articles on sexual topics are written with the aim of providing information, education, and guidance on a wide range of topics, from sexual health to sexual pleasure, consent, and exploration.

Whether you're looking for advice on navigating the world of online dating or exploring your own sexuality, our dating blog has something for everyone. We believe that by providing information, support, and guidance, we can help you build the confidence and skills you need to find the right partner and build a fulfilling and satisfying relationship.

Thank you for visiting our blog, and we hope that our dating articles help you on your journey to finding love and exploring your own sexuality. We welcome your feedback and comments and are always happy to hear from our readers.